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Your Press Copy including save games

Thank you for your interest in Empyrion – Galactic Survival. We have prepared a couple of save games for you so you can quickly see what Empyrion has to offer.

Different Save Games

All save games are in Survival mode and start at different locations in the game (desert planet, ice planet, lava planet and orbit). The situations you will face are situations that you will encounter after playing Empyrion for a couple of hours. Given your tight schedule, we thought it would be preferable to give you the option to immediately see an advanced gameplay of Empyrion.

1. Omicron Survival

You start on the desert planet Omicron in the evening. You are well equipped with a ground vessel and basic weapons. The crashed capital vessel “MS Titan” is just in front of you. Watch out it is well guarded by some drones.

2. Orbit Survival

You start in the orbit at an asteroid field. You have a small vessel, basic weapons and a mighty capital vessel. You face an alien station that is well defended with exterior turrets and interior sentry guns. Try to conquer and explore it. There is another even better defended alien station between the lava and snow planets.

3. Ningues Survival

In this save game, you start on the ice planet Ningues. Again you have a ground vessel and basic weapons. Watch out for the drones on Ningues and nasty arachnids in the night.

4. Aestus Survival

You start on the lava planet Aestus with a small vessel. You are facing alien creatures on the planet as well as many drones that guard a Zascosium deposit.

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5. Ningues Survival – “Spaceport” (Additional Save Game)

You start on the snow planet Ningues with a small vessel and you can visit an enormous spaceport that even has a subway line.

How to use the Save Games

1a. Download Save Games 1-4 (12MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/lyb5byk476b04pk/SaveGamesV3.zip?dl=0.

1b. Download Save Game 5 (Ningues – Spaceport. 220MB): https://www.dropbox.com/s/owvxm0zidsqcsba/Ningues%20-%20Spaceport.zip?dl=0

2. Unzip files into the “Empyrion” save game folder. By default, the Save Game folder is located here:

C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\Empyrion – Galactic Survival\Saves\Games

(Please refer to this article if you don’t have installed Steam to the default location: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=7418-YUBN-8129) 3. Start Empyrion via Steam client 4. Use “Player” as your player name (important – otherwise you cannot see the save games) 5. Press “Resume Game” in Main Menu and choose a save game

Copyright © 2014 Eleon Game Studios. Background image by Karissa Cole.