Home // Talon Guardian
Founded: unclear, ~1500 AD
Government: Zirax protectorate
Religion: Cult of Empyrion
Home Planet: Talos (not verified)
Main Planet: none
Focus: n/a
-Primitive culture (Technology is forbidden; Zirax drones control their settlements)
-Seem to be the descendants of the so called “Elder Talon.”
Additional Description:
The Talon, also known as “Talon Guardians,” are an astonishingly primitive society with little variation. The name, “Talon Guardian” stems from a largely mysterious past with the Zirax. The Zirax impose a heavy toll upon the Talon guardians – zealously sheltering them with drones and other restraints. This may indicate either the Talon pose a threat to them… or are kept hostages for some unknown reason.
Current Relationship with UCH: Neutral